Transition FAQ
We’re proud to announce that Box is acquiring Wagon. Read the full announcement.
1. How long will Wagon keep running?
- You can use Wagon through Monday, October 3rd 2016. After, Wagon desktop and web services will no longer be available.
2. How do I export my data?
- You can export your queries at app.wagonhq.com. Your charts, recent results, and snapshot links can be exported from the app.
3. What will happen to my data after Oct 3rd?
- All data and user accounts will be securely deleted. No information will be shared with any 3rd party.
4. Will Box have access to any of my data?
- No. All Wagon data will be deleted after Oct 3rd.
5. Can I still query Wagon’s demo database?
- Yes, during the transition period you can query our demo postgres databases through Monday, October 3rd.
6. May I have the Wagon dancing .gif?
- Sure!